Ah…the age old question. Does size really matter?
As long as men have had dicks, the thought of pleasuring a sexual partner with a slightly (or massively) longer one keeps resurfacing.
Having a big dick is practically synonymous with masculinity.
(At least that’s what the media will tell you.)
If you’ve gone down the Google rabbit hole far too many times trying to figure out how to lengthen your penis, let us clarify what works and what doesn’t work.
Does apple juice make your pee pee bigger? No, there isn’t any scientific evidence to suggest that penile length is in any way impacted by apple juice consumption. Aside from surgery, penis enlargement will rarely occur in fully developed males, but weight loss may make yours more visible.
In this article, we’ll discuss:
- Where the myth of enhancing your penis’ length with apple juice originated
- What the average penis size is
- Non-surgical ways to make you feel like you have a bigger penis
- The benefits of apple juice for men
- Does apple juice make your pee pee bigger?
Let’s get started!
Because of the somewhat graphic nature of this post, it’s advised for readers of 18+ years of age.

Table of Contents
Where the Myth of Enhancing Your Penis’ Length With Apple Juice Originated
Google started seeing massive spikes of the search query “does apple juice make pp bigger?” in June of 2020.
The likely origin stems from the Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie, whose channel has over 100 million subscribers.
It appears to be an inside joke that we’re not privy to, but here’s what we’re able to gather.
A meme dating back to 2019 in connection with PewDiePie’s channel apparently refers to guessing the penis size of his subscribers, regardless if the original poster was a woman or not.

Some have theorized that “PP” is a simplified acronym of PewDiePie, if that helps shed any clarity.
This meme gained so much in popularity that there were remixes made, including this one from Party in Backyard.
After that was when Google searches spiked.

However, none of this had to do with the connection to apple juice.
That wasn’t PewDiePie’s doing.
On June 11, 2020, a short 26-second YouTube video splicing together pornography actresses’ opinions on whether size matters from IGotSilver appears to be the origin for the apple juice part.
At the end of the video, there appears to be a Google snippet suggesting that apple juice can help enlarge a man’s penis, followed by a man guzzling apple juice as if it’s an instant cure.
We’ve typed the same query he did into Google, but the algorithm must have changed the results it returned.
It should’ve considering the clip they spliced was from at least 7 years ago, according to this Reddit meme.
Considering PewDiePie has millions of fans, it’s certainly plausible that they’re the ones who triggered an increase in searches for the term “does apple juice make your pp bigger?”.
Especially if they’ve also seen the video.
Approximately 34,000 people have watched this video, with comments dating from the release date to just a few weeks ago (at the time of writing this).
This aligns with SEMRush’s estimate that about 1,300 people are searching this every month.

Regardless the origin, at the end of the day, it’s still a myth. Apple juice will not make your penis bigger.
The Average Penis Size
The sad reality is that many men have been shamed into believing that their penises are small.
The media perpetuates this, but it can start as early in life as school days.
Not only do men exaggerate what their length is, but they’ve come to believe that the only way to get laid is with having a long erect penis.
The simple truth is that a non-erect penis doesn’t predict the full length when erect. A penis that’s 5 inches (13 cm) or longer when erect is considered normal.
An erect penis under 3 inches (7.5 cm) is medically classified as a micropenis, according to Mayo Clinic.
If your sexual performance isn’t what you’d like, don’t resort to sketchy products promising to make your penis bigger. They haven’t been scientifically tested.
Weight-Friendly Tip
Dietary supplements don’t have to be FDA tested, so you won’t see them backing up their claims with effectiveness evidence. They simply can’t be trusted, so ask your doctor if you’re considering an unknown supplement.Besides, girth can be just as important as length. A calculator is only as effective as the person using it.
Keep your sexual partner’s needs and desires in mind and you’ll do just fine.
5 Non-Surgical Ways to Make You Feel Like You Have a Bigger Penis
Over 30 million Americans suffer from erectile dysfunction, so it’s natural for men to want a confidence boost.
If you do have a medical issue, then consult with your doctor.
But, plenty of men feel like they do have performance issues, and that can certainly be tied to how you view yourself. As in, how you view how big your penis is.
Here are 5 non-surgical ways to make you feel like you have a bigger penis:
- Lose weight
- Groom the nether regions
- Improve your overall health
- Jelqing
- Penis pumps
Of course, if you’d rather surgery, you’re looking at a cost upwards of $5,000. And that’s without even the guarantee of results.
We prefer the natural ways.
1. Lose Weight

If you’ve got abs under your flabs, then you might want to shed a few pounds to see the full length of your penis.
Everyone gains weight differently, and it’s certainly plausible that weight you’ve gained in your pubic region impacting your perceived length.
The key here is to remember…
Your penis won’t actually grow in size. It will just appear to be more visible (and longer).
2. Groom the Nether Regions

Manscaping, or grooming for men, has grown in recent years. It’s not as stigmatized as it once was.
Just as some women opt to get a Brazilian wax, men can shave their genitals, too. Just use a different razor from the one you use on your face.
You don’t need glistening bowling balls to make your dick look bigger.
If you thin out the bulk of your pubic hair, you will see more of your penis when you look in the mirror. You’ll also find you have more room in your underwear.
The key to remember when grooming the nether regions is that your penile and scrotal skin is quite tender and easy to cut.
Much easier than your face is.
(We kind of speak for experience on this.)
It’s best to do this in the shower under warm water. Your skin should be taut before you shave anything.
And be careful with using scissors or you might get an accidental (second) circumcision.
3. Improve Your Overall Health

As much as it hurts to believe it, your body really does function as a whole unit.
Doing these unhealthy activities can really be bad for you:
- Smoking tobacco
- Drinking alcohol in excess
- Eating non-nutrient dense food
Improving your cardiovascular health can directly tie to your sexual performance.
To get a long-lasting, strong erection, you need a lot of blood flowing to your penis. If your bad habits are impacting circulation, blocking arteries, and narrowing blood vessels, you will have a shorter erection.
But, a longer erection will make you feel better about yourself, so work to fix your overall health and physique.
4. Jelqing

Jelqing is an ancient technique that’s been around for thousands of years.
Without getting too graphic, jelqing is essentially “milking” the penis. It’s similar to how a cow needs its teats to be milked.
Jelqing increases the blood concentration in your penis. Over the long term, this may increase length if performed frequently.
To do this, you should follow these steps:
- Masturbate until you’re half-erect
- Apply some lube
- Form an “o” shape with your fingers (pictured above) at the bottom of your shaft
- Work your way up to just before the tip
- Apply pressure to push blood to your head
This isn’t a guaranteed solution, but increasing your blood flow will help your erections stay harder for longer.
5. Penis Pumps

Excuse us while we go a little 50 Shades of Grey on you.
The methods we’ve mentioned above have targeted the issue with the following in one or two of the following areas:
- Penile tissue
- Blood vessels
- Corpus cavernosum (what contains the blood during erections)
Penis pumps address all three simultaneously.
Penis pumps have the potential to improve your girth, length, and hardness at the same time, but only when used properly.
They’re commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction, but they may be beneficial for you, too. They’re non-invasive, so you shouldn’t get hurt using them.
A penis pump consists of a:
- Plastic tube that fits over the penis
- Hand or battery-powered pump
- Constriction ring
These work together almost like a vacuum. The water-based models aim to provide you less discomfort while in action.
3 Benefits of Apple Juice for Men
The whole catalyst behind this post was the question of whether apple juice made your pee pee bigger or not.
We’ve talked about ways to enhance your penis.
Now, it’s time to talk about apple juice and whether it’s linked in any way.
There haven’t been any studies performed on whether apples, apple juice, or apple cider vinegar is related to your penis growing in size, but that doesn’t mean apples aren’t good for you.
Here are three ways consuming apples helps you:
- Apple juice hydrates you
- Apple juice is heart healthy
- Apples contain polyphenols
Let’s pear down the fluff and cut straight to the chase.
1. Apple Juice Hydrates You

Considering apple juice is 88% water, it’s no surprise it’s hydrating.
In a study among children with gastroenteritis, researchers published in the Journal of American Medical Association concluded that those offered apple juice were 6.5% less likely to need fluids delivered intravenously.
If you’re not using apple juice for hydration, be careful because it contains a lot of sugar, especially when commercially produced.
Weight-Friendly Tip
If you’re going to drink apple juice, we recommend juicing it yourself! By choosing the apples, you get to control how much sugar is included. Too much sugar will lead to excess deposits of fat in your body, which can clog your arteries and prevent blood flow.Consider diluting apple juice with water. While it does contain potassium, it’s not a complete swap for electrolytes as there’s little sodium.
If you’ve just finished exercising, then you’ll want to replace the sodium you lost from sweating in addition to the sugar.
2. Apple Juice is Heart Healthy

The scientific research is in…
Apples are good for your heart.
Studies have shown that:
- The polyphenols in apples can prevent LDL (the bad kind of cholesterol) from being oxidized, which lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke (according to the Canadian Journal of Cardiology)
- When drinking 1 1/2 cups of clear apple juice daily for 6 weeks, healthy adults were 20% more resistant to LDL oxidation (according to the Journal of Medicinal Food)
- When healthy women drank 1 1/4 cups of clear apple juice, their antioxidant activity increased by nearly 11% in one hour, as compared to a placebo (according to the Nutrition Research Journal)
Of course, more research can be done. And, it will be done.
But, it’s a start in suggesting that apple juice is healthy for you.
3. Apples Contain Polyphenols

Polyphenols is a fancy word describing certain micronutrients that we get from plant-based food, such as fruits and vegetables.
These are a large family of naturally occurring compounds, such as:
- Flavonoids
- Tannic acid
- Ellagitannin
A lot of the polyphenols found in apples reside in the peel, but there are some found in the flesh itself.
To get more polyphenols from your apple juice, opt for cloudier juice. It doesn’t have the pulp filtered out. One study from the Planta Medica journal concluded that cloudy apple juice had 62% more polyphenols than clear apple juice.
What does this mean for you when grocery shopping?
Great question.
The commercial apple juice that you see largely sold in supermarkets is clear. Try to find the organic varieties. They should be cloudier in appearance.
You can always try a specialty store or make it yourself if you can’t find cloudy apple juice readily available.
Does Apple Juice Make Your Pee Pee Bigger?
As we mentioned before, no.
There isn’t any scientific evidence to suggest that penile length is in any way impacted by apple juice consumption.
The Mayo Clinic says that there’s little evidence to support non-surgical ways of enlarging the penis.
Most techniques that you see advertised are ineffective and some can also be damaging.
If you are genuinely concerned about the length of your penis (and are desperate enough to believe apple juice may be the cure), talk to your doctor.
There may be a cosmetic approach or counseling that could help.
In this article, we debunked the myth behind whether apple juice has the capacity to make your pee pee bigger.
We also discussed:
- What the average penis size is
- Non-surgical ways to make you feel like you have a bigger penis
- The benefits of apple juice for men
At the end of the day, whether you’ve named your lil guy or not (insult not intended), he deserves to be treated with respect.
If you treat your body right and lead a healthy lifestyle, there’s no reason why your sexual prowess can’t also improve.
To your weight loss success!